Welcome to the magical world of Omni Profit, where calculating fees and profits is as easy as pie. We provide simple and accurate fee calculators and templates for merchants selling on Etsy, Amazon, eBay, and other popular ecommerce platforms.
Our user-friendly calculators are tailored to each marketplace’s fee structure, so you never have to worry about hidden fees sneaking up on you. Say goodbye to messy Excel sheets, manual calculations, and bad surprises!
Calculate the fees you'll pay when selling a product on Etsy.
Calculate the fees you'll pay when selling a product on Amazon.
Calculate the fees you'll pay when selling a product on eBay.
Calculate the fees you'll pay when making a transaction on PayPal.
Calculate the fees you'll pay when selling a product on Walmart.
Calculate the fees you'll pay when selling a product on StockX.
No more excel nightmares, no more hidden fees. Give our downloadable templates a whirl and watch your profits soar! They’re simple, easy-to-use, and completely awesome!